27 diciembre, 2010

"Gent Socialista"

i jo t'ho desitjo perquè ho fem possible entre els dos.
Feliç Any Nou!!!

19 diciembre, 2010

Nadal, un regal especial.....

El regal que jo desitjo
tenir per aquest Nadal
no portarà llaç de vellut
ni vermell, ni groc, ni blanc,
no durà embolcall de seda
ni transparent ni brillant
no anirà dintre una capsa
ni petita, ni mitjana, ni gran.
No portarà cap etiqueta
ni nom, ni cap detall
a l'estil dels bons desitjos
tot de llum vindrà folrat,
una llum brillant, intensa
que el món anirà il.luminant
aturant-se allí on la misèria,
injustícia, guerra i fam
fueteja la canalla
sense escoltar el seu reclam.
I amb aquest regal màgic
a la fi potser aribarà
rialles, alegria i esperança,
pau i felicitat.
Autor/a: Francesca Aubanell

10 diciembre, 2010

The EU and human rights.

Human rights, democracy and the rule of law are core values of the European Union. Embedded in its founding treaty, they were reinforced when the EU adopted the Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2000, and strengthened still further when the Charter became legally binding with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009.

Countries seeking to join the EU must respect human rights. And all trade and cooperation agreements with third countries contain a clause stipulating that human rights are an essential element in relations between the parties.

The Union’s human rights policy encompasses civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. It also seeks to promote the rights of women, of children, of those persons belonging to minorities, and of displaced persons.

With a budget of €1.1 billion between 2007 and 2013, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights supports non-governmental organisations. In particular it supports those promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law; abolishing the death penalty; combating torture; and fighting racism and other forms of discrimination.